When you find out you are expecting, it can create a huge mix of emotions. Excitement, fear, happiness, anxiety, and fluctuating hormones certainly don’t help! But you can gain peace of mind if you take the time to learn about the resources, procedures, and facilities where you plan to give birth. Henry Community Health is happy to welcome expectant mothers and their loved ones as they prepare for this life experience, and we want all of our mothers to know what to expect when they come to HCH for their birthing experience. 

OB Visits

The women’s health services at Henry Community Health are all about putting the patient first. That’s why your prenatal appointments will not always be with the same provider. Instead, you’ll rotate from provider to provider. Before you get upset because you already feel attached to your doctor, there’s an important reason. By seeing all providers, you’re sure to know whoever is available when it’s time to give birth. You’ll be greeted by a familiar face who’s familiar with your pregnancy experience. 

Preparing for Birth

You already have plenty of OB appointments to attend, but there’s one more appointment you should consider making. Come to HCH for a Prenatal Class with our Maternity Navigator! During your time together, our Maternity Navigator will go over your Birth Plan and work with you to prepare for the best experience possible.You’ll get the chance to ask questions about the birthing process (including pain management options), and take a tour of the Women and Children’s unit to become familiar with your Birth Care Center. You may be wondering, why should someone planning a hospital birth take a tour? Well, when you do all this preparation in advance, you’ll create more time to relax and enjoy your birthing experience. You can also rest easy knowing exactly where you’ll be going and what resources will be available to you. 

Birthing Facilities 

Whenever you go into active labor and are ready to be admitted to the hospital, you’ll receive a warm welcome from our staff. Remember, there may be a portion of your labor that you can experience from the comfort of your own home. Check with your provider for the signs that it’s time to make your way to HCH’s hospital campus. You and your labor support person will be escorted to your birthing suite in the Women and Children’s Unit. Our birthing center’s suites include amenities like a TV and an in-room mini refrigerator. There’s a convenient sleeper sofa where your support person can rest and keep you company throughout your birthing experience. Additional friends and family members will find plenty of comfortable space in our waiting area, too. 

After Birth

You’ll have a lot of questions after you’ve given birth. How long do you stay in the hospital after giving birth? What do you wear home from the hospital after giving birth? What about breastfeeding? Take a deep breath and rest assured that you’ll have a great team to help you at HCH. Typically, your stay in the hospital is assessed according to how you gave birth and any other medical needs you may have that need to be monitored. The average for vaginal birth is 24-48 hours and Cesarean delivery is 2-3 days. Don’t forget! You and your baby have different providers. That means you may be released at different times. Your care team will help you with care for yourself and your baby before you go home, including support for breastfeeding. As for what to wear home, that’s up to you! We believe in keeping mother and baby comfortable and safe, so wear something that puts you at ease and is soft on your tender abdominal area. It took 40 weeks to give birth, so your body will need some time to get back to normal! 

Are you still unsure or feeling a little lost? Never fear! The women’s health services at Henry Community Health have everything you need to gain confidence around your pregnancy and birthing experience. We put our patients first and take pride in creating relationships built on trust. Want to learn more? You can contact our Maternity Navigator at 765-599-3193, or by email at maternitynavigator@hcmhcares.org